28 March 2019: 10×10 hosted a salon with A-chan & Laura El-Tantawy at the Magnum Foundation.
Laura El-Tantawy is a British/Egyptian photographer, artful book maker, mentor, and experimental film-maker. She was born in Worcestershire, England and studied in Saudi Arabia, the UK, and the US. Her work explores notions of home & belonging and is recognized for its uniquely lyrical eye on reality. Laura has released three self-published monographs (In the Shadow of the Pyramids, The People, and Beyond Here Is Nothing) – and is due to release her fourth title, A Star in the Sea, in early 2019. She mainly resides in London.
Born in Japan, A-chan began her career in 1998 photographing magazines editorials while developing her personal work. In 2006, she moved to New York and began working as a co-editor and a printer for Robert Frank. She has co-edited and co-designed a number of Frank’s books. A-chan has since exhibited her photographs and held slide shows at galleries in Tokyo and New York City. A-chan has published six books – with Connect Workshop, Steidl, and others.
The presenters sold and signed their books.
A big thank you to Magnum Foundation for hosting us.
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